True Friendship With Founders, Impact A Billion, Make A $1B With Deep Tech, AI Agents Doing Our Job, Trends Crystal Ball, and more on VC Evolve Podcast with VCpreneur and Raed Masri of Transform VC.


Guest Intro:

Raed Masri is a partner at Transform VC. Raed is a founder and a VC. As a VC, Raed worked with Mubadala Ventures and Data Collective VC. As a founder, he founded and led Jaguar Wireless Sky Surf, E Day, and lately, AI Explained. Raed also founded Cracking Silicon Valley, where he helped founders reach the VC community in Silicon Valley.

Raed on LinkedIn:

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Transform VC website:

In Today's Episode with Raed Masri:

  1. How being true friends with your founders builds a totally different relationship.

  2. How the "Impact a billion, make a $1B" initiative is driving Transform VC investment thesis.

  3. How to run both a venture fund model and a venture studio model at the same time.

  4. How AI might make the VC job easier? AI agents talking to each other on behalf of GPs, LPs, and founders.

  5. Why Silicon Valley remains standing and standing tall?

  6. Active LPs are still allocating, even in this environment.

  7. Being a VC is not as cool as being a founder now! Who has more leverage?

  8. How good is your crystal ball to see the future tech trends?

VC Evolve Podcast is hosted by VCpreneur: Ahmad Takatkah.

VC Evolve Podcast:

Conversations about the future of VC. We talk about the Venture Capital model evolution: How has VC evolved in the past? What innovations are being introduced to the traditional VC model? What will it look like in the future? We also talk about VC data, VC books, VC tech stack, VC funds, VC skill set, challenges, opportunities, and more.

Available on:


Meeting VC Analysts Might Be A Waste Of Time, Being Proactive In Asking For Help, Use SAFEs To Avoid Valuations Talks, and More on A Note To VCs Podcast with VCpreneur and John Banner of Respaid.


VC Boom In Saudi Arabia, LP Scene and Gov. Fund of Funds, Growth Stage Funding Gap, Potential Consolidation, Delaware of MENA, and more on VC Evolve with VCpreneur and Salem Washeely of Sadu Capital.